Outstanding News 2024-05-22 Fertilizers Europe's position on the European Commission's industrial carbon management strategy


The European Fertilizers Manufacturers Association (Fertilizers Europe – FE) has recently published a press release in which it submits several proposals to the European Commission for the implementation of its strategy on industrial carbon management.

Like the Commission, FE believes that carbon management has a key role to play in decarbonisation, especially in industries where carbon abatement is more challenging. In order to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, it is essential that the energy-intensive European fertiliser industry can make the best possible use of carbon management technologies as a tool for decarbonisation, in parallel with green ammonia production. In this regard, FE proposes that:

- Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is fully recognised and promoted as a decarbonisation option in industries where carbon abatement is currently more difficult, such as fertilisers.

- The industries that emit the most carbon should have more streamlined processes for obtaining permits, and incentives for their transport and storage, which help to guarantee their capture.

- Clear legislation on carbon capture technologies should be developed.

- Support the creation of a specific market for low-carbon fertilizers, which will also help industrial decarbonization in Europe.

Link to Fertilizers Europe Press Release: https://www.fertilizerseurope.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Fertilizers-Europes-position-paper-on-Industrial-Carbon-Management-002.pdf